I get to my school at 7:40 in the morning, and I get home anytime from 4pm to 5:15. Let me just tell ya: teachers do not get enough credit. Music teachers definitely do not get enough credit!
I left relatively quickly after school ended, but my cooperating teacher (CT) stayed later, sometimes until 7pm, to prepare for the coming lessons. Wow!
This week was mostly a "observational" week...I watched, participated, took notes, and discussed aspects of the class with my CT. She was really great; she took time to sit down and talk with me about certain classes and strategies.
My favorite part? The kids, no question.
They are so quick to invite you into the class, and they practically glue themselves to your side! One little one sat next to me, took my hand and smiled at me...and we hadn't even said one word to each other! :)
I had several This-Is-What-I-Was-Meant-To-Do moments...one happened after I had given a sectional to 6 6th grade trumpet players...what a great group! They were RIGHT with me...and it was great to feel like I was making a difference.
It's only just begun...I have MUCH more work ahead of me! It might be exhausting, but I know this semester will be a fantastic learning experience for me.
This coming week I have more responsibilities. I'm directing a few songs for the middle school FAME choir, leading the advance band in sight reading, playing the cello and violin for the 2nd graders, and taking a 3rd grade class on Friday.
Thats all for today. Till next time!