There are 5 Gazillion other things I could be doing right now...

But here I am...
When I got married to Andrew, I had to get used to his "early to bed, early to rise" routine. I grew accustom to going to bed around 10...and I often got tired around 9pm because we got up so early.
But now, with Andrew working 2nd shift, my old habit of staying up till midnight has quickly reemerged.
The problem is that the LAST thing I want to do at 10pm is read articles or write papers. I know as a college student I'm not entitled to any free time...but I always feel like evenings should be a time to rest and regroup. Ergo, this weblog.

Today Andrew came to convocation with me and helped write an arrangement for 'My Jesus I Love Thee' for brass quintet. I'm really enjoying my orchestration and arranging class because of its hands on application. It's even better with Andrew helping me out. :)
We went home and ate lunch...and went our separate ways. For him: work. For me: taking a piano lesson, two hours of band, more arranging, and giving two piano lessons at the Roarks.

Somehow TOMORROW is sneaking up on me, and it's the worst kind of tomorrow. It's a TUESDAY. ugh. I HATE Tuesdays. I especially hate this tuesday because I have a trumpet lesson and I haven't practiced for it (not that I haven't played...I just haven't played what he assigned to me.)

But this too, shall pass. Soon it'll be Friday and my spring break will have started! Friday's not too far away, right? Of course right! (Yente, anyone?)



Leah C said...

I loved Orchestration class. And I love the textbook, too. So useful. :)

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