This weekend I am going to Cedar Point with the VT Family!
By "VT Family" I mean:
Mike - Dad-in-law
Brenda - Mom-in-law
Brenda - Mom-in-law
Josh - Bro-in-law
Brooke - Sister-in-law
Alyssa and Kirsten - Nieces
Alyssa and Kirsten - Nieces
Tim - Bro-in-law
Meghan - Bro-in-law's gf
Nick - Bro-in-law
Jenna - Bro-in-law's gf
Jenna - Bro-in-law's gf
Kristen - Sis-in-law
Kyle -Sis-in-law's should-be-fiance
So yeah. Andrew's extremely excited to be riding all of the amazing rollercoasters. And I am too, I's just that I haven't had a weekend for two weeks now and I dearly love my weekends. The quietness, the still moments, the second cup of coffee, the snuggling on the couch...
"You always need margin", my mom says. The blank spaces between things. I love margin.
I should not complain, though. Life is good. I spend too much time complaining, actually...I'm tired, I'm lonely, I don't like doing homework, I don't have enough time to go grocery shopping...
I'm actually sick of hearing my brain complain. I'm working on training myself to be thankful.
For my working legs. For dry and warm clothing. For my husband. For the opportunity to be educated. For the money to go grocery shopping!
I will train this brain to be happy! "We're gonna traaaiiin you.
Speaking of thankfulness, I found another thing for which to be thankful...concerning my husband. Not that there aren't a gazillion things to be thankful about concerning him.... :D
Here it is:
Here it is:
In general, "things" pop into my mind constantly. Funny pictures, ambitious ideas, strange commentaries, eye-opening realizations...and when I'm with Andrew I am completely free to open my mouth and spew said "things". He might respond with a laugh or a nod or a word of advice...or maybe nothing at all. But he listens. And he doesn't think I'm stupid or unimportant. He HEARS me.
You might laugh, but I really want to be heard. You'd be amazed at the many times when people just DON'T hear me! My friend Bethany says that I have one of those voices that just blend into the background. Bethany loves me so I don't feel insulted by this...just informed. It helps me realize that some people might just honestly not hear me. And it helps prepare me for those terrible moments when I start speaking and then someone else talks right over me. Oy vey.
But anyway...I appreciate Andrew because he truly listens to me and values what I say to him. That' It's just so cool to have someone like that in your life. My mom is like that too.
People probably think I'm odd because I always bring up my mom at school. I realized that this year. "My mom always says that...", or "My mom used to...", or "My mom thinks that..."
I think that's a compliment to means that I value her opinion and that her actions have made a lasting impression on me.
See? I'm not that messed up. Let this be an encouragement to all first-born PKs...there is hope. Just MOVE OUT. And you will be better friends with your family. :P
Word of the last-couple-weeks:
I really really really love that word. Snarky.
That's all. I'm going to play puzzle games online until Andrew gets home.