I take my faith very seriously.
I expect people who call themselves Christians to behave like Christians.
I don't expect perfection among my fellow believers, but I do expect my them to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness...and change.
I expect these things not only from my peers but also from myself- not because I think it should be that way, but because it's how God has called us to be.

And yet, by even writing the above, I set myself up for labels like "prude" and "that girl who makes everyone else feel guilty".
In situations where I must chose between peer conversation and God's approval, dare I say what I believe in?
No, I will not participate in crude and obscene conversation. No, I don't watch TV that blasphemes the name of God and mocks Christianity. No, I don't think pornography is funny. I will not listen to perverse jokes about sex.

Why does my stomach tighten in anxiety even as I write these words?

Recently I've realized in a much deeper way how uncool it is to voice your convictions. When I dare to mention that God might not be pleased with the conversation, I am a wet blanket. A spoil-sport. Someone that others don't want to hang with. Who wants to be with someone who can't take a joke?

But this realization comes with a irevocable understand that I have no choice. Though none go with me, still I MUST follow. Even if my closest friends slowly distance themselves from me, I have to stand my ground and cling to what I know God has placed in my heart.
This is not some arbitrary moral code that I happened to be born with. This is the word of God. I dare not comprimise what I know God has called me to in order to fit in with others. There is no option here.

So now I must learn to balance this inner conviction with love. Jesus lived a life of righteousness and yet loved others with a love so deep that he chose to die so that they could live. He was hated and mocked and isolated (WAY more than I ever have been or ever will be!) and still he loved: fiercely, loyally, undeniably. I want to be like Jesus and speak the truth in love. I want to see my peers the way God that sees them. I want to take a stand in a way that draws people to God rather than repels them. I want ME to get out of the way and let JESUS shine through.

I have so far to go. Guide me, Lord Jesus.


Destiny said...

You're the type of person that draws me nearer to Christ. I think it's amazing that you are able to stand firm in what you know God commands.

Anonymous said...

Good words, Briana. I know that God will give you the love and wisdom to be the woman of conviction He has made you to be. Be assured that God's purpose will prove to be much greater than just being a wet blanket. :)
Mom :)

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