Last post, I contemplated a use for my crazy quilt squares. Well, here ya go! My 'scrap bag'.
I'm not posing...I'm just naturally that cool.
Tomorrow if the first day of school.
I can't say I'm particularly happy about it. I have one year left, and really, just one sememster of real classes. So I should be happy and excited, right? Well, I'm not.
I'm tired of school before I even start this year. I got a call from a learning center that I applied at this summer and they wanted to interview me for a full time position there... and I wanted so badly just to GO and start life. But I know I need to finish what I started. That's usually a good policy, right?
My school is a frustration to me.
When I first went there I was full of inspiration. I had been taking lessons from Mr. Good, which was an...amazing experience. I was ready to learn, ready to grow...I was getting on the CU train, headed to success.
But I feel as though somehow I've spent the past three years waiting for the train to actually take off.
The music department at CU has been at a trickling decline for some years now. In the time I've been at CU, we've switched department chairs twice. Mr. Hollinger, the band director, left my freshman year. We've been through 3 office secretaries: Anna, Amy and Susan...and now Susan's leaving too. Mr. Burghart was let go in my sophomore year. In the second semester of my sophomore year, my close friend Bethany switched schools. Andrew left to work full time. This year, Proffesor Weston and Professor Wakeman were let go. Dr. Bohn moved to different state, Mr. Peck retired and Mr. Britsch left to work at GVSU.
The CU music department that I thought was, is not. It's an crumbling foundation. It's a sinking ship.
A dilemma I face this year is whether or not I'll be in the CU brass quintet. I've been in it for the past three years and yet I'm very tired of it now. "My group" has moved on...Kelly and Kyle and Aaron have graduated and Andrew's working full time. I miss our quintet. It was, hands down, the best experience I had at CU. This year, I feel like I'm doing it out of obligation. I've asked the band director if there would be any other trumpet players willing to audition in my place...but I'm not sure if we have any other trumpet players this year. Last year there were two of us. One of us graduated.
But the other thing...the brass quintet is supposed to be a CU promoting group. We go to bring in new students and promote the school. But can I honestly tell the students that CU is a good place to go? If I saw myself in highschool, would I encourage myself to go there? I can't's sad, but I can't say.
Perhaps as the year moves on, I'll feel more optimistic. My school does have many good attributes, outside of our department. I've learned MANY things from teachers in the Education department, particulary Professors Burgess and McAdams. I'll hold on to those things and press onward to a truly exciting future. It's true: I can't wait to be a teacher.
I've been very honest in this weblog...expressing things I haven't said publicly before. I guess I feel pretty safe considering the fact that I rarely get any readers. :)
Anyway, that's all for now. G'night!
I can relate to what you had to say about CU. If I saw myself in high school... I would encourage myself to find a different school. :( But yes... the Education department is phenomenal! If it wasn't for the people in there, I would have transferred 5 years ago! :)
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